Don’t miss our annual Journey of Hope Gala, where hope meets opportunity. This year, through an engaging walk-through video exhibition, you will experience the powerful impact of our services — from meeting people's most basic needs through food and hygiene to job training and housing navigation support. Together, we can continue this journey and provide hope for Chattanooga.

Presented by

Need help? Located at 727 E. 11th St, Chattanooga, TN 37403
Open 7AM-5PM for every day for services.

We work to maximize your strengths and minimize your barriers. We collaborate with community partners and support clients to find housing, clothing, food, and care as well as education, job-skills training, financial literacy and life-skills learning.

In addition, we offer these benefits to you thanks to the kind donations we receive from this caring community. Above all, we want each person to feel cared for and enjoy support for as long as it takes for you to rebuild confidence and achieve your goals.

Recovery and Care for Our Community




Our mission is to meet the most basic needs of hungry, homeless and vulnerable people in our community while offering a clear path to self-sufficiency.


The CHATT Foundation will be the leader in resolving homelessness by walking with a person throughout the journey to self-sufficiency.