The CHATT Foundation

Our mission is to meet the most basic needs of hungry, homeless and vulnerable people in our community while offering a clear path to self-sufficiency.

Our vision is to be the leader in resolving homelessness by walking with a person throughout the journey to self-sufficiency.

  • Care for low income and homeless families

    Take Care of the Basics

    Our services include:

    Restrooms and showers

    Telephones (to make local calls)

    Mail (to receive correspondence/get identification)

    Computer access

    Sitting area


    Hygiene items

    Foot care


    Educational resources and programming (including artistic and musical programs)

    Case management (including outside agency collaboration)

    Meditation space

  • A Plan for Success

    Our case managers can assist you with a game plan for success.

    Permanent Supportive Housing: Case managers meet with individuals and families experiencing homelessness to assess their needs and find permanent housing opportunities.

    Customized Assistance: Our team of excellent staff are here to help discern what needs you have and help make a plan to meet them.

    Next Steps: Unsure where to begin? We also offer various trainings and programs, as well as personal care to offer you the best opportunities available.

  • Longterm Stability

    Our job-training program offers part-time, temporary employment for folks as they look for a permanent job.

    Training with our kitchen staff provides an excellent opportunity to earn while searching for long-term employment. Our case managers can help you learn more about this.

Forty Years of Service

40 years ago, we started as the Chattanooga Community Kitchen, and fed the hungry each year by the hundreds of thousands. Over that time, we also added other services for the homeless, like shelter and clothing and counseling. Today, we are no longer just a Kitchen. We are a Foundation for hope. We are the CHATT Foundation.