Shelter Host - Maclellan Shelter for Families
The Maclellan Shelter for Families hosts families in a transitional shelter (90 days) while they take the next steps in self-sufficiency.
Shelter Host will help answer phones, answer the door and help with light housekeeping tasks.
727 East 11th Street
Please enter the CHATT Foundation main entrance through two doors located under a blue awning.
How It Works
Kitchen volunteers must be 18 or older to work in the Maclellan Shelter for Families and be able to pass a background check.
After passing a background check, volunteers will be able to sign up for shifts based on availability.
After signing up, please come prepared with appropriate attire including closed-toed, flat shoes, and long pants.
What To Expect
Volunteers will be stationed behind the welcome desk in a secured building.
Volunteers will be responsible for allowing access to guests by answering the door via security monitor.
Volunteers will answer phones and route accordingly. Training will be provided.
Volunteers will help with light housekeeping (sweeping, mopping, laundry) when needed.
Volunteers are encouraged to interact with the families, examples include: playing games with the kids in the lobby or courtyard, helping with homework when needed, assisting with preparing snacks/meals, etc.
Volunteers are encouraged to assist staff with administrative tasks as needed.